Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How to get black exhuast without diesel (maybe and additive???)?

okay i want to make my lawnmower (its more or a offroad racing mower now) hav black smoke because it just looks so cool and i didnt want to switch to a diesel setup or run diesel gas for that matter, isnt there something cheap i can do or just add to the gas to make it smoke black, and i know about the whole running it rich or lean to make it smoke, mine is running just fine, but i want it to exhaust with black, a 30hp engine with 2 chrome stacks and 32' boggers in the back and 20' boggers in the front without black smoke, sigh... its just not cool lol. Would adding like food dye or tattoo or regular pen ink to the gas make it smoke black or just burn up and do nothing someone help me please!!!
How to get black exhuast without diesel (maybe and additive???)?
"Black" smoke is not a good sign. I have no idea WHY you think it's "cool". It's air pollution.
How to get black exhuast without diesel (maybe and additive???)?
You can always add a little motor oil to your gas, but for the love of god why would you want to?
Reply:It's stupid and if you want it go buy yourself a used semi engine.
Reply:I know thees answers are not Wat you are looking for. you con get black exhaust by making it run rel rich. but it will have no power because it Will be running so bad . you will all so use More gas, and foul spark plugs quickly. but you can get White smoke by drilling a small hole in the exhaust pipe and ejecting (squirting) oil in to it. closers to the engine the better. the only efficient way to get black smoke is to get a diesel engine.
Reply:their is a company i think thats called autoloc, That make a smoke screen kit for cars. Its a simple install and pretty cheap. Or just add a lot off high viscosity oil to your gas(not the best idea).
Reply:Why? Are you the only one that breaths the air, make sure when you get the smoke rolling out put your nose right in there and get a couple of lungs full.
Reply:this is his bro and to you fa**oty a*s Mother F*%26amp;ker you think we give a shi** about the F*cking air we breath we could care less get a dman oxygen tank you tree huggers if your so worried we think it looks cool so blow it out ur hole and we didnt ask for stupid respones like what about the enviroment wha wha wha!! to bad its gonna hppen one way or another and we just a lil help doing it and only got one guy who helped us so to eveyrony else i hope we go buy and suffocate you all with rich oily black exhuast and do dont live to see the smoke clear and then we go past your house a shoot enough black smoke to cover your house for a year hows that for a answer fag tree huggers

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