Sunday, October 11, 2009

Why are gas prices going up so high?

don't say cause bush is the devil. :P i would like to know the real "technical" reason.
Why are gas prices going up so high?
Im no expert or anything...but it might have something to do with the federal reserve printing federal reserve notes 24/7.

If they would consider not putting so many dollars into circulation, it might make the ones in circulation now worth more.

Gas prices in america have more to do with the dollar than with demand for oil. Remember that gas was 1.25 only 5 years ago. Nows prices are much closer to what countries in europe and places like japan pay. but many countries impose very high taxes on gas, higher than america.

gas prices are going up the same reason why milk and bacon are
Why are gas prices going up so high?
Because the oil companies have finally accepted that oil will eventually run out, and have decided that they need to sell less, for longer for higher profits, rather than more, for a shorter time at lower profits.

It's actually a good thing.
Reply:At first the oil prices started to go up because the USA economy was weak (weak economy = weak dollar).

But the latest rise (from about $100 to $140 rise) are all due to WALL STREET speculator (wall street GREED).

They reported this on TV news.

Good Luck...
Reply:Cause some redneck Ahole stuck his nose where it didn`t belong. Got a bunch of people killed and pissed off a lot of other A holes. That being said. A lot of people with money bet that he would get his *** kicked (which he did) and won the bet. now the country is going to hell in a hand basket . Didn`t help that the Canuck Buck is worth more as well. The more people that invest in oil , the higher the price goes. We can only hope that people sell off in large numbers and screw all the big investors . It also does not help that the Chinese have a large demand for steel and oil, BUT basically IT is a result of 911 , AND G W BUSH that caused all this ****. How much money has he spent fighting a yet unfound enemy? Bin Ladin has been relaxin` , probably in some island in the south . And we are all payin`
Reply:Because of increased demand for petroleum in places like India and China -- which have lots of people, who want (and are getting) lots of cars. Also, because of Congressional restrictions on drilling for more petroleum: the fuel shortage is costing the US economy a billion dollars a day -- but no caribou in the ANWR need look at an oil well. Isn't that nice?
Reply:You got the actual reason already. But trying to avoid it technically finding technical reason.
Reply:Here's the truth. Because they can. Polititians are being paid off by lobbyists from the oil companies to not move forward to alternative energy resources (such as the electric car which was destroyed in California...if we had the electric car back, we would no longer have to rely on gas like we do now...) The truth is, the oil companies could raise their price per gallon to 10$ tomorrow and you and I would still have to pay it because we solely rely on gas to commute. The oil companies are too powerful to let anyone else pass a vehicle that doesn't rely on gas and mass produce it. The solutions are out there, it's just a matter of getting it to the right people who aren't biased and bought out by oil companies.
Reply:the reason all the pollies around the world are giving is 'the middle east' how ever we all know that is not true, while the war has made getting oil harder its not hard enough to make the prices that high, there are two answers to this question and both have equal affect, the war and the government

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