Friday, November 6, 2009

What are the best excuses when you get pulled over for speeding?

Really wanting to go out speeding? Google it.
What are the best excuses when you get pulled over for speeding?
explosive dairrhea


I was trying to get a way from you because I have ten ballons filled with rock cocaine in my anal cavity.
What are the best excuses when you get pulled over for speeding?
"Sorry officer, I'm wayyy too drunk to read the signs."
Reply:If you just be honest about it a lot of people (if they arent the jerks) will let you go. Happens alot to some of us ;)
Reply:im batman
Reply:there are none...if you are an attractive female show a lot of cleavage and simper.
Reply:sigh, honesty is the best policy, nuff said
Reply:You're about to be in your 2nd trimester and you need an abortion.
Reply:be very polite like "yes sir, no sir." Make eye contact and tell the truth. They actually say "thank you for being so nice." it works.
Reply:Dont pull your car over!!! R U CRAZY??? Keep on driving and GO FASTERRRR!!! Send all the officers on a scavenger hunt trying to find you!!! LOL =]
Reply:I was raised by a Missouri Highway Patrolman, and my dad always said that the best thing to do is APOLOGIZE. Also, look absolutely dumbfounded when he tells you how fast you were going. If you can convince the trooper that you had no idea you were going so fast, he might give you a warning.

Either way, guess what? It's easier to drive the speed limit. I'm 56 and I've finally figured that out.
Reply:A friend of mine used to be a trooper and he told me the best way to get out of it is to admit the err of your ways, be calm and professional, apologize, tell them you understand what you did was very wrong. If you didn't realize you were speeding, it's fine to admit that, just admit the fact that you know that it's breaking the law. Assure them you will slow down and be more aware of your speed.

Another time, this same friend of mine asked someone he pulled over "If you can give me a good, honest reason, I'll let you go." The person responded "Well, I just didn't think a cop would be there." It was one he hadn't heard before, and it was honest, so he let her go. LOL

If you have a clean record, you might get off with a warning or lesser fine, although there are no guarantees.
Reply:i used the excue that i had cramps so bad that i had to get home and get a heating pad on my stomach !
Reply:Just know that what ever excuse you give, if the cop does NOT accept it, he can use it against you if decide to fight it.

EX: sorry for speeding officer, I really have to go to the bathroom.

You just admitted you were speeding.


Or you the cop asks "is there a reason why you were speeding?" and you answer "I'm really need to go to the bathroom."

Again you just admitted you were speeding.


Be polite and just take the ticket. When he says how fast you were doing - don't agree or disagree. Just say "officer, thank you".

If he (the cop asks) "just how fast do you think you were doing?" You say "I know exactly what speed I was doing. I rather not say any more".

Just be polite. Fight it later with a lawyer. That is why it is important you do NOT say anything that will hurt you.

Good Luck...
Reply:start crying when the officer pulls up and say you just got a call that your mom is in the everytime
Reply:I got pulled over in S. TX. once, doing 101 on my motorcycle. The officer said he had been waiting for me all morning. I told him; " Well, I got here as fast as I could" . He laughed, and told me to slow down, and let me go .
Reply:gatta go pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.... gata goooo pooooooooooooooooo!!!! cant hold it in... at least it has worked for a cpl of my friends... but one time when one of them really needed to go pooo well, he got a $120 ticket... i was blasting my head off when he told me that....
Reply:travel reasonable within the speed limit and you won't need an excuse... It's so rewarding to see other people hammered while you keep motoring by at or near the speed limit...
Reply:Oh ! officer you saved me from that awful guy who was chasing me!

azalea tree

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