Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How much is petrol in the US?

91 Octane in New Zealand is NZ$2.01 per litre which translates to US$5.71 per gallon. 95 octane is US$5.88 per gallon.

How much do you actually pay for petrol in the US? I'm just curious if petrol costs more or less in New Zealand.
How much is petrol in the US?
New Jersey has about the cheapest prices in the country.

I burn premium (91 octane), which is $4.05, rounding up from the 9/10垄 they alwasy include.

Plus-grade (89 octane) is $3.95.

Regular (87 octane) is $3.83.

Diesel is crazy. Something like $4.45.

If you wanna play the "I Remember Game," I remember when regular gas was 17垄 a gallon. It was about 1955.


Update - Tuesday

The thing is, it used to go up a penny at the time and now they don't care if the increase is a dime!

Today's prices:

Regular - 3.90

Plus - 4.03

Premium - 4.13

SO that's a 6-7垄 increase since yesterday.

I'm going to post a question about the rate of increase around the world, but maybe you can add to your question or answer here...

The gas/petrol selling for $4.12 today cost $2.85 less than a year ago. That's a 45% increase in less than a year. (I didn't keep track prior to that.)
How much is petrol in the US?
"We" changed the way we rate octane about 25-30 years ago and the numbers went way down. I think it's now called "research octane" which averages a few factors. "Pump octane" (if I am correct) was a highre number. It's kind of like comparing "horsepower" to "brake horsepower" or something. Report It

Reply:I've never heard of petrol with less octane than 91. What kind of cars run on that? All the newer cars run on 91 and the older cars run on 95. Well, that's generally how it works, but I do notice some new cars running on 95, unless the driver just doesn't know what they're doing :-) Report It

Reply:Most cars here run on 89 octane. We now use the (R+M)/2 method. RON=Research Oct and MON=Motor Oct. NZ probably uses the RON only, which is substantially higher. Report It

Reply:I just paid $4.25 a gallon for 87 octane. Most of these prices that people are posting is 87 octane. For 91 octane at the same station we would pay $4.45 a gallon. And its highly unusual to find even 93 octane. If you think about it, we are paying about the same as your higher octane goes further.

I remember when the price in cents reached higher than the octane. i.e. 91 octane was 91 cents a gallon.
Reply:We're paying between $4 and $5 per U.S. gallon. I personally think that price is about right, enough to cut down on all the frivolous, wasteful, and smog-generating driving. It will also usher in an era of efficient vehicles, alternate fuel technologies, and more trains.
Reply:depends on what your state your talking about, different states, different prices.
Reply:The gas near me has just reached $4.01 per gallon this weekend.
Reply:It costs less, here in the U.S. we're paying about $4.38 per gallon. The price increases by about 5 to 10 cents a week.

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